Phil Stashenko



10 Newport Lane
Medfield, MA 02052

Married to Kristin Stashenko

I attended NYU undergrad, then Harvard dental school and graduate school for a Ph.D. in immunology. After a post-doc at U. Penn., I took a research staff position in 1978 at The Forsyth Institute, a non-profit Harvard affiliate that is an international leader in oral and craniofacial research ( I hope my kids don't read this and realize how long it was before I got a real job.

I've lived in the Boston area and been at Forsyth my entire career. Ten years ago I began to transition from basic science lab research, which I very much enjoyed, to research administration. I was kicked upstairs and became President & CEO of Forsyth in 2008. Despite having to learn the job on the fly, I've have a lot of professional gratification in this role. In September the Institute relocated from Boston to the biotech area in Kendall Square, Cambridge. I'm now immersed in trying to help reinvent a century old institution, recruiting scientists and bringing in new technology, creating collaborations with our new neighbors, and applying science to solving the problem of oral diseases, particularly in children. In other words, no retirement plans for me quite yet.

I married my wife Kristin in 1982, and we have two fabulous kids, Marissa (26) and Lee (22). They are both truly wonderful people, free spirits who follow their bliss: professional equestrian training/competition and music production respectively. Kristin continues to pursue her work as a free-lance artist, and is the heart and soul of our family. I have been lucky to have had such a wonderful partner and soul mate who keeps me grounded and gives me perspective on life.

I've always thought about how my Terryville roots influenced my life path, in particular since circumstances drew me far away from those roots. When I visit my Mom, who now lives in Farmington in assisted living, I'm struck by how much things have changed in the area since 1965. That was also a much simpler, more innocent and idealistic world, wasn't it?! I appreciate the many important life lessons I learned then that helped me to achieve what I've wanted personally and professionally. These were to always deal with people in a straightforward way; the importance of drive and the striving for excellence, while ensuring that fun is always part of the program; the sustaining power of love and friendships. I'm grateful for all that, and for the strength I derived from my upbringing and relationships. For me Terryville H.S. Class of 1965 was a great place to be from. It was great to see you all at the reunion! I have not been back to Terryville in many years. I am looking forward to connecting with old friends.